
Who I am

Philippe Auroi is a veterinary expert in collaborative solutions for supply chain risk management in the food industry.
He helps food companies (retailers, food industry and food service) in the building and optimization of their vendor management program in order to better protect and promote brands to final consumers.
To do this Philippe uses his deep knowledge of collaborative solutions, supply chain risks, food safety, farm to fork traceability systems, certification programs, regulation and standards (GDSN,GS1,GFSI ….)






Private Label Expertise

Private Label Market: Market-Brand Strategies-Process-EU and US Regulations.

Private Label market monitoring and implementation of collaborative in SaaS mode -Trace One 2001/2016

Quality management of whole poultry ranges, poultry products (raw, elaborated, baked) sold under the brand name of distributors (market : France, United Kingdom, Germany) - Sales € 300 million - Groupe Bourgoin SA 1995/2001

Assistance to retailers in the definition and implementation of control plans for private label ranges , audits of suppliers facilities Bureau Bromatologie de France Group (Bureau Veritas subsidiary) September 1991 - August 1995


Collaborative Solutions

B to B Collaborative solutions (SaaS) Private Label, National Brands-Trace One 2001/2016

Managed solutions: Product specifications, Quality, Sourcing, Supply chain mapping, Traceability, PLM, GDSN

Role : Business Expertise, Pre-sales, Product Management, Project Deployment , User Clubs, Product Strategy, Partnerships.

Customers : 8 retailers in TOP 20 EU & Northern America retailers


Traceability and supply chains transparency

Product strategy manager of the first SaaS solution able to manage the specifications of private label products (food, pet food, HPH, cosmetics, bazaar). -Trace One 2001/2016

Responsible for the product strategy of Transparency One "supply chain mapping" solution for risk analysis from fork to fork -Trace One 2001/2016

Establishment of the first certified chain of French poultry fed without animal meal - Groupe Bourgoin SA 1995/2001

Management of the administrative authorizations of 300 farms (goat cheese dairies-zone AOC Crottin de Chavignol) - DSV 18 1986-1990

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Risk Management

Risk analysis : products and suppliers (food, HPH, Non food products)

Regulation (France, EU, USA)

Market analysis

Trends analysis